This weeks environmental top tip focuses on Waste Management
Here are our top tips on minimising the environmental impact of waste within your organisation:
Arrange for awaste management surveyto be carried out. This looks at all materials that will be making their way to landfill. It will identify ways in which you can reduce your disposal costs, potentially generate income through recycling and improve your overall environmental performance.
Can the packaging the items arrive in be changed in any way? Perhaps using recyclable material orreducingthe size or volume of the packaging.
Look for items that can bereturned to the supplier. When they deliver the product/material, can they take the empty containers and packaging back with them. They can bere-used.
Separationof materials is another possibility. Creating an environment where people have the option torecycle itemswithin the workplace. This may be collected at a lower cost than general waste or potentially for free. For organisations with large volumes of recyclable materials, it is advised to speak to your waste collection company on available options.
Avoid usingplastic bags. Use an alternative.
Ensure members of staff are aware of their responsibilities and that of the organisation. This can be achieved through staff briefings,training, posters or holding informal meetings about minimising waste. You may be surprised with the ideas you may receive.