Like passion but having a real ‘zest’ for anything health and safety is infectious and can have a positive influence on a person’s approach to preventing incidents.
If you deliver any health and safety message in a monotone, dull and boring manner you will struggle to influence an individual’s decision making. If you just ‘go through the motions’ when delivering a toolbox talk, attending a briefing, or holding a 1-2-1 conversation, how do you expect others to take it seriously?
Having a zest for health and safety in what you are delivering is the most powerful influence you can have in changing the way someone views health and safety. If an attitude towards health and safety is negative, hearing someone who is passionate about what they do can have a positive impact on how others perceive it.
Of course, understanding your subject and having that underpinning knowledge is vital when delivering the health and safety message. But if this is not delivered with passion, nobody will tend to listen. Attitude is everything. If you are unable to deliver with passion, don’t bother.
Need more help on this? Contact us as we are happy to advise and guide you.